About Us
ABSF helps the blind and visually impaired to focus on what they can do and not on what they can't see.
This knowledge and confidence give them some of the tools they need to successfully face challenges in other aspects of their lives.
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ABSF was founded in 1971 and is a non-profit, tax-exempt 501(C3) national organization chartered in the State of Illinois.
The purpose of ABSF is to provide an educational skiing program open to any blind or visually impaired person in the hope of providing both physical and psychological therapeutic value.
In a world where "a picture is worth a thousand words," it's easy to understand the barriers confronting a child ... who can see no pictures. So, it is with the blind and visually impaired children and adults who ABSF serves.
Having the spirit and fortitude to overcome the daily challenges of life is difficult enough if you have sight, but for the blind, those challenges can be overwhelming. Confidence in oneself is needed. The American Blind Skiing Foundation helps build that confidence.
ABSF is endorsed by the Chicago Metropolitan Ski Council (CMSC).
Some ABSF blind skiers have become proficient in racing and have participated in and won medals with the NASTAR National Championships.
ABSF welcomes everyone.
This totally volunteer organization depends on donations and fundraising activities to continue its work.
Tax-deductible donations can be made via this website by clicking the donate button below or via mail to the address on our Contact Us page.
ABSF Officers
Rose Cammarata
Larry Medrano
Michelle Hulscher
Eugene Hulscher