ABSF Ski Event COVID-19 Safety Procedures

** Please read this carefully before making your decision on whether to attend one of our ski events this season. **

Most of our ski area destinations have procedures in place to keep guests safe during the pandemic.  State and some local jurisdictions still have various rules and may impose quarantine requirements in some cases.  Only some of the ski area and governmental rules and procedures are mentioned in this document.  It is your responsibility to comply with all ski area and governmental rules and regulations in effect.  In addition, the ABSF Safety Committee and Board of Directors have instituted additional procedures to protect our skiers and guides.  Please keep in mind that ski area rules, government regulations and ABSF procedures may change.  We will try to keep you informed of current rules and procedures, but it is ultimately your responsibility to be informed, comply, and protect your health - and the health of others.


Day Trips – Participants must provide a vaccination card proving that they are fully vaccinated including any timely boosters recommended by the CDC or must have received a negative result from a Covid test taken within 48 hours of the event.  Masking is required indoors except while actually eating or drinking.

Overnight Events – Participants must provide a vaccination card proving that they are fully vaccinated including any timely boosters recommended by the CDC and must have received a negative result from a Covid test taken within 48 hours of the event.  Masking is required indoors except while actually eating or drinking.

General Information You Should Be Aware Of

Most of our ski area destinations have in place again these season procedures to keep guests safe during the pandemic.  States and some local jurisdictions still have various rules and may impose quarantine requirements in some cases.  Only some of the ski area and governmental rules and procedures are mentioned in this document.  It is your responsibility to comply with all ski area and governmental rules and regulations in effect.  In addition, the ABSF Safety Committee and Board of Directors have instituted additional procedures to protect our skiers and guides.  Please keep in mind that ski area rules, government regulations and ABSF procedures may change.  We will try to keep you informed of current rules and procedures, but it is ultimately your responsibility to be informed, comply, and protect your health - and the health of others.

Masks – The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends the wearing of masks covering the nose and mouth to reduce the risk of contracting or spreading Covid-19.  Experience suggests you bring multiple masks with you to any ski event as any given mask may become wet and cold during use. 

Lodge and Dining - There may be limitations on the number of guests allowed inside buildings at any given time.  Inside seating will be limited if available at all.  Otherwise, no tables can be saved.  The storing of items anywhere on the premises except inside lockers may be limited.  Food service may be limited to grab and go items.  Some resorts (including Wilmot) are requiring proof of vaccination to use the dining areas.  The ski areas are encouraging you to bring food and drink.  The ski areas may prohibit non-skiers from sitting around inside buildings during the day.  Guests are encouraged to change into ski gear in their cars and to use their cars as their mid-day dining space.  Chestnut is requiring face masks and social distancing inside all buildings and will limit occupancy inside all buildings as well as on chairlifts.

ABSF Specific Procedures

Participants should not attend the event if they are anything less than 100 percent healthy.  All day trip participants must be either: 1) timely vaccinated (with any CDC- recommended booster shots), or 2) be able to present a negative result from a Covid-19 test administered within 48 hours of the event.  Overnight trip participants must be fully-vaccinated with boosters and present a negative result from a Covid test administered within 48 hours of the event.

For vaccinations, “timely” requires that the attendee be vaccinated or have received a booster within the timeframe recommended by the CDC.  For example, if the CDC recommends that [Brand A]-vaccine recipients receive a booster within six months of their last vaccine, the event participant must have received their vaccine, or their last booster shot, not more than six months prior to the event date.  Those dates will be adjusted if the CDC determines that the time between vaccines and boosters should be shortened or lengthened.

The Trip Committee Chairman will determine a procedure for event participants to submit their vaccination information (dates and brand).  This may include a process to upload their vaccination record to a secure webpage or some other way to get this information to the Trip Chairman.

If an event participant tests positive for Covid, they will not be allowed to participate in the event.  They should stay home and follow CDC guidelines regarding isolating from loved ones and the general public.  The Board of Directors has determined that any weekend or day trip fees advanced by an event “participant” who cannot participate due to a positive test result will be refunded to the participant.

All participants will be required to sign a new COVID-19 Risk Acknowledgement / Event Waiver at each event they attend.  (This is in addition to signing our usual waiver with your membership purchase).

Personal interactions should be kept to a minimum at all ABSF events and masks must be worn at all times while indoor except while actually dining or drinking.

All participants must abide by all state, local, ski area and ABSF rules, regulations and restrictions.  ABSF will attempt to keep prospective participants informed via email and website announcements of governmental, ski area, and ABSF policies/restrictions in place, but participants need to be aware that they are ultimately responsible for compliance. 

Scheduling and Transportation

Skiers should seek transportation from family members, as riding in an automobile with someone outside of one’s household poses a risk.  Some event participants may be unable to obtain transportation from family members and therefor need transportation to and from the event.  If that is the case, the event participant should notify the Trip Leader as far ahead of the event as possible to improve the chances of finding a ride.  When providing such notification, the participant should also notify the Trip Leader of their vaccination status, as such status will be disclosed to potential drivers who may be concerned about giving a ride to an unvaccinated rider.  The rider should also indicate whether they are comfortable with a ride from an unvaccinated driver.  The Trip Leader will notify other expected Trip Participants only of the need for a ride and the approximate location of the rider.  If a potential driver responds to this inquiry, the Trip Leader will determine if a ride is possible taking into consideration the vaccination preferences and status of the driver and rider.  If a match appears, the Trip Leader can put the drive and potential rider into contact with each other.

Skiers and guides planning to attend an event will be notified of their ability to request a partner (guide or skier) with a specific vaccination status, e.g. “timely” vaccinated with booster if CDC timelines dictate, or simply meeting our requirement for a “timely” negative Covid test.

Drivers and riders are cautioned that they may be assigned to a different guide-skier pairing with someone other than the person they rode with to the event.  Unfortunately, such occurrence will result in additional exposure and risk to all parties involved: driver, rider, and a third-party guide/skier pairing for the day.  We expect that guide pairings will be made prior to the event, and will attempt to notify driver, rider and any third party assigned to ski with either, that if they are uncomfortable with that amount of risk, we will work to have pairings re-assigned if possible.  Any skier or guide who is not comfortable with their pairing may decline to participate.

Skiers and guides should make a ski reservation and pay with ABSF no later than the Monday before the event.  After determining that we have a guide for a specific skier, ABSF will notify skiers and guides that they can participate in the event.  Tickets will be handed out the day of the event at the ski area.

Morning Meet-up – Pairings, Vests, Waivers

Morning indoor meet-ups will be eliminated.  Guide-skier pairings will be arranged and announced prior to the day of the event.  Participants should look for the Trip Leader at Alpine Valley outside on the slopeside patio, and at Wilmot in front of ski patrol office, unless otherwise notified.  Skiers and guides will then sign their COVID-19 waiver, meet their guide and obtain a skier/guide vest (and get your lift ticket.  Use the available disinfectant on your skier/guide vest.  The Trip Leader will stay at the outside meet-up area for only 15 minutes beginning at 9am (lift opening).  Please do not make the Trip Leader wait for you.  Pairings will not be changed during the day.   

Breaks and Lunch

Dining outdoors or in your own auto will reduce your risk of contracting or spreading Covid.  If a skier fails to bring food or drink, and outdoor purchase is not available but indoor purchase of carryout is available, the guide may consider offering to retrieve food and drink for the skier to minimize indoor risk to both participants.

Lift Procedures and Slope Guiding

Lifts are likely to be loaded to full capacity.  Guides and skiers may be exposed to other skiers in the lift lines and on lifts.  Face-to-face interaction between guide and skier should be avoided to the extent possible.  Masks covering the mouth and nose should be worn except while actually eating, drinking or skiing.      

Be aware of the risk from using headsets that others have touched or used.  Use the available disinfectant in the vest bag on your headset before and after use.  The use of one’s personal mouth- and earpiece will be required of anyone using an ABSF headset.  Any guide asked to use a skier-owned headset device should also be using their own mouth and earpiece.

End of Day Matters / Vests

When you return your skier/guide vest at the end of the day, please disinfect it.  Keep personal interactions to a minimum.  If you plan to leave prior to 4pm, arrange with the Trip Leader how to return your guide or skier vest.

What if You Attended an ABSF Event and Now Have COVID?

If you attended an ABSF event and now have Covid, please notify us as soon as possible.  Officer contact information is available on the ABSF website.  We will notify other event attendees that someone at the event has contracted COVID and that they should take precautions as advised by the CDC.  Your name or other personal information will not be disseminated.  Your return to participation in subsequent ABSF events will be determined by current CDC guidance.

REMEMBER – As representatives of ABSF you will be noticed by other guests at the ski area.  The way we conduct ourselves, comply with ski area and governmental mandates, and exhibit safe behavior on and off the slopes will be noticed and will reflect on the organization as a whole.